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Course Requirements

Code Course Name Credits
COM111 Computer Applic. I 3

Computer Applications I
In this course, students will be provided a baseline of knowledge of the fundamentals of computers and digital literacies to ensure they will be able to understand a constantly changing technology oriented landscape. In this course, students will be exposed to the fundamentals of computing technology, including computer hardware and software concepts; the Windows operating system and commands; drives, folders, and files; Google鈥檚 suite of applications; use of the Internet and growing connectivity with everyday devices; and digital literacy knowledge and skills. By mastering the fundamentals of computing technology and demonstrating digital literacy, students will have the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century workforce.

ENG114 Critical Reading & Response 3

This course introduces the integration of communication skills essential for effective reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college level. In this writing intensive course, students develop composition skills to produce collegiate-level papers modeling rhetorical modes and thematic content in addition to strategies for reading complex texts; presentation skills for personal introductions, verbal summaries of readings and response writings, and peer review of papers; and basic technological skills for word processing, e-mail, and introductory-level online research.

ENG124 Research/Writing in Discipline 3

In this course students will apply the practices for effective reading and writing introduced in ENG 114 to the distinctive language and forms of various disciplines. This course lays the foundation for academic and professional research and stresses the use of appropriate and effective information sources. Readings for a variety of academic audiences will provide students with strategies to communicate in the sciences, business and technology, psychology, liberal studies, and the social sciences. Research and documentation skills appropriate to the disciplines are stressed. In addition to leading students through the research process from start to finish, this course will examine the many ramifications of academic honesty.
Prerequisite: ENG 114

ENG134 Literary Genres 3

Selected readings in fiction, poetry, and drama introduce the student to literary types and techniques. These readings provide a basis for collegiate-level discussion, analysis, and the development of critical judgment. Building on the communications and research skills from earlier courses in the sequence, this course emphasizes continued practice in writing, and students complete a documented research paper using primary and secondary sources as one of the course writing assignments. Discussions and oral presentations based on assigned literature support the overall goal of the sequence: to enhance the advancement of the students, first academically and then professionally.
Prerequisite: ENG 114

GEN ELEC General Electives 33  
GENHLTH Healthy Living Elective 2  
HISGEN History Elective 3  
HSR402 Addictions and Interventions 3

HSR 402 Addictions and Interventions (3 credits)
This course is designed to help students develop an understanding of addictions from an eco-systems perspective. The addictive process and recovery will be studied, including the reciprocal interaction between addicted individuals and the various social systems of which they are a part. Students will examine substance abuse and behavioral compulsions, including alcohol and other drugs, smoking, compulsive gambling, eating disorders, and sexual addictions. There will also be a focus on diversity in addicted populations, the business of drugs, and prevention. Attention will be given to biological and genetic factors in the etiology of addiction, family issues, and community responses. The consequences of addictions will be studied at the individual, family, community and societal levels. This course will draw on current research in the field of addictions, and will emphasize critical thinking, and analysis of the current controversies in the field.
Prequisite: PSY101

HUMELE Humanities Elective 3  
MAT112 Applied University Mathematics 3

This course is designed for diverse students to acquire a solid foundation in non-calculus mathematics. It uses practical mathematics to develop problem solving and analytical skills. Topics include linear equations, linear inequalities, matrix and its application, linear programming, and the simplex method.
Prerequisite: MAT 104 or appropriate placement test score

MAT120 Statistics 3

This is an introduction to the basic descriptive and inferential statistics for students from all disciplines. It emphasizes the development of statistical literacy and the use of computer for analyzing data. Topics include principles of experimental design; graphical and numerical methods for summarizing, describing, exploring and analyzing data; binomial and normal probability distributions; point and interval estimates for means and proportions; hypothesis testing; and correlation and regression.
Offered both semesters

PSY101 Introduction to Psychology 1 3

Using an active learning approach, students will explore psychological perspectives and methods as explanations for human behavior and mental processes. Other topics include: neurophysiology, consciousness, learning, personality theories, and psychological disorders.

PSY206 Adolescent & Adult Development 3

This course surveys how people develop and change from the onset of adolescence through late adulthood. Different theoretical perspectives and contemporary information relating to the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive realms are examined.
Prerequisite: PSY 101
Offered in the fall semester only

PSY240 Abnormal Psychology 3

This course explores a wide range of personality, behavioral, and cognitive disorders. The symptoms, etiology, and dynamics of various disorders are studied, and a variety of therapeutic theories and techniques are discussed.
Prerequisite: PSY 101
Offered in the spring semester only

PSY321 Theories of Personality 3

This course investigates the major personality theorists from Freud to more recent and contemporary theorists like May and Rogers. Emphasis is placed on the critical evaluation and practical application of each theory reviewed.
Prerequisite: PSY 101 and junior or senior status
Offered in the spring semester only

PSY323 Behavioral Research Methods 3

This course introduces the student interested in human behavior to experimental design procedures emphasizing methodology, data collection techniques, and critical evaluation of research practices.
Prerequisites: ENG 124, MAT 120

PSY340 Physiological Psychology 3

This course provides the student with a knowledge of the biological components of behavior. Basic neuroanatomy and neurochemistry are discussed with respect to a variety of topics such as emotions, sensation, aggression, sleep, memory, reproductive behaviors, eating disorders, and certain forms of psychopathology.
Prerequisites: PSY 101 and junior or senior status
Offered in the fall semester only

PSY341 Drugs & Behavior 3

This class examines drug and alcohol abuse and dependency. Analysis of the present opiate epidemic, types of illicit drugs, behavioral and biological effects, the common pathway for the addictive process, and the etiology of addiction as a brain disorder including the relative roles of genetic and environmental influences are explored. Psychological impact of addiction, as well as various forms of treatment, including cognitive behavioral therapy, 12-step recovery, and medication assisted treatment, are also addressed. Students will understand the consequences of use, for both the individual and for society, and some of the failed responses of government and the legal system to this disease.

Prerequisites: PSY 101

Offered in the fall semester only

PSY346 Health Psychology 3

This course explores the behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and social factors that affect physical health. Prevention, intervention, and treatment techniques will be discussed with an emphasis on approaches to changing unhealthy practices and maintaining health.
Prerequisite: PSY 101

PSY405 Counseling Diverse Populations 3

This course provides students with an understanding of the sociocultural context that influence personal biases and the explanations of psychological processes. Students will be invited to consider the roles of power and privilege in the development of psychological theories and methods.
Prerequisite: PSY 101

PSY485 Psychology in the Field 3

This course requires students to use the totality of their learning within the Psychology program as they interact with experts in the field. Students will explore local and national professional affiliations, interview and shadow experts, and attend professional networking opportunities in the field. Major concepts in Psychology will be synthesized. Through assignments and reflective writing, students will examine their individual strengths, uncover potential biases, and continue professional growth and development. This course requried 5-10 hours of fieldwork and observation.
Prerequisite: PSY 101, Senior status

PSY498 Psychology Internship 3

(This course is graded Pass/Fail.)
Students receive supervised training from practicing professionals normally during the final semester of the fourth year. Learning is achieved through observation and/or direct participation. Students are placed appropriately in settings that relate to their individual and educational career objectives. Sites may include public educational facilities, human services agencies, mental health clinics, and law enforcement and criminal justice agencies.
Prerequisites: A minimum cgpa of 2.0, senior status, and approval of department chair. Open only to psychology majors

PSY499 Psychology Internship 3

(This course is graded Pass/Fail.)
Students receive supervised training from practicing professionals normally during the final semester of the fourth year. Learning is achieved through observation and/or direct participation. Students are placed appropriately in settings that relate to their individual and educational career objectives. Sites may include public educational facilities, human services agencies, mental health clinics, and law enforcement and criminal justice agencies.
Prerequisites: A minimum cgpa of 2.0, senior status, and approval of department chair. Open only to psychology majors

PSY535 Ethics & Professional Conduct in Counseling 3

This course is designed to provide students with a practical awareness of ethical standards and codes of conduct in the field of psychology. Students will review and critically analyze case studies which incorporate such topics as ethical decision making, informed consent, confidentiality, boundary and relationship issues, professional competence, supervision, and multicultural and diversity issues. Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the standards set by the code of ethics of the American Counseling Association and the American Mental Health Counselors Association, and of licensure and regulatory practices.

PSY540 Ind & Fam Treat of Sub Abuse Dis 3

This course will focus on the principles of substance use counseling. Substance use counseling theories, orientations and treatment models will be evaluated for effectiveness. Students will learn, discuss and practice different facilitation styles and approaches to individual, family and special population's substance use counseling. Role playing will be ultilized to demonstrate appropriate skill development as it relates to substance use counseling. This class, including role playing, will provide opportunities for students to apply theoretical knowledge to clinical situations.

SCIELECT Science Elective 4  
SOC100 Principles of Sociology 3

SOC 100 (3 credits)
Principles of Sociology
This course introduces students to the major concepts and methods of sociology. Emphasis will be on the components of culture, the structure and institutions of society, the elements of social organization and differentiation, and sociological approaches to the analysis of groups.

WEL220 WomenEmpoweredasLearnersLeader 3

Women as Empowered Leaders and Learners
This required interdisciplinary course is designed to give all students entering the One-Day Program a common experience and foundation for their education. Students examine leadership within the larger context of our interdependent world and their own strengths, values and aspirations. Students also examine learning styles, academic requirements, communication skills and technology to create a personalized action plan for success in the One-Day undergraduate experience and beyond.

WEL330 StratforPers&CareerGrwth 3

Strategies for Personal and Career Growth
This required interdisciplinary course builds on the foundation created in WEL 220 to deepen students' knowledge, skills and attitudes related to career, leadership and financial development. Through a focus on well being students will strategically delve into ways to manage their own growth and development while understanding the opportunities to build on their purpose, passion and potential.

WEL440 Leadership in Practice 3

This capstone course is an interdisciplinary course designed to give senior-level students an opportunity to create a learning experience that allows them to apply knowledge, skills and personal development to a project that also contributes to a family, organization and/or community. This course combines academic study with practical application of leadership, communications and technology skills as a springboard for the student to move forward into the future as an empowered woman. Students may choose to complete research, community-based projects and/or service learning projects. As a culminating experience, this course also provides the platform for assessing students' progress and proficiency.